Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Getting back into shape...

Kelly here. As a brief introduction, I'm the youngest son and I can't sit back and let my dad and oldest brother have all the fun. I just made arrangements to visit a friend up in Toronto in June and I decided to be in some decent shape when I get there.

I've had a reasonable amount of experience with fitness having participated in soccer, cross country, and lacrosse in high school. Additionally, after college, I hit my personal fitness peak participating in a Body-For-Life 3 month program and continuing the routine for an additional several months. If you haven't heard of the Body-For-Life challenge, I highly recommend you google it and take a look. My dad said something at the time like "you shouldn't gain any more weight". I was probably about 170 lbs or so and maintaining a fairly low body fat ratio. My face was just a lot fuller than it had ever been. I also had the arms I always wanted. Unfortunately that didn't last.

Right now, I'm a light weight weighing 150 lbs at a height of 6'. Using my Tanita Body Fat Monitor/Scale, I'm reading about 11.5 % body fat. Not too bad on the fat side. Now I just need some muscle before the wind carries me away. I started back at the gym on Sunday.

Now, getting that muscle isn't just all about pumping iron. My main problems are controlling the other big factors: food and rest. Like right now it is 10:30pm. Normally, I'd just be starting to enjoy my evening. Maybe I'd start reading or pop in a good flick. But being rested in one of the most important aspects of my training. I can't peak in a routine if I'm not rested and my muscles aren't going to repair themselves as quickly. I'm taxing my body more and so I need to give it more rest. So, right now, it is bed time.

A few notes about my favorite ammo:

Myoplex Original is cheaper than EAS's newer protein shake. These taste good and make for a great breakfast.

Clif bars are pretty cheap and taste great. One of these around 3pm help me to get to dinner. They come in a million flavors so they don't get old.

Tiger balm doesn't really take the ache away but it does feel pretty good when you are just getting back into the swing of things. It also feels better if someone ELSE applies it. Follow with your choice of over the counter pain killer keeps your aches from getting to your spirits your first few weeks in.

French pressed coffee makes waking up with your aches that much easier. I boil water and getting the grounds seeping every morning before a shower. After a shower, I turn on NPR and drink a couple cups. Then I'm ready for the day.

Working out in the morning is almost always better than working out in the evening. I'm currently trying to rotate my sleeping schedule to have time to start working out in the mornings again. That's where the best progress for me always happens.v Having a goal is of utermost importance. Right now, my aim is to be between 162-65 lbs and 9-10% body fat by June. I'm looking to do some hiking on the west coast around September so I'm aiming for 170 lbs and about 8-9% body fat by then.

Alright, that's all for now. Time for a little muscle repair. -Kelly


indianspringsguy said...

Welcome to our family site for athletic conditioning and competition.
I will soon join you in the general body conditioning. I have been working on that for over a year and got into the race conditioning easier by being pre=-conditioned through wieghts and a treadmill at the YMCA. I track that work also and as you know continue to workout ther form time to time, but less so than before the race conditioning efforts began.

Texas Redneck Runner said...

Great to have you on the Blog Buddy! The running has inspired me to make many other changes associated to my overall health. I can breath better, have an incredible resting heart rate, and just overall feel better than I have in years. Let's get after it!!
- Jeff

indianspringsguy said...

We need Russ to join us. Maybe Sarah will after she runs Saturday. We all need some sort of incentives and little by little I see us all coming together here as we discover the drivers, in our lives, to be better.