Tuesday, November 18, 2008


This is likely to change tomorrow. I was making rapid headway using my new routine and had big plans. However, a lady came out of her home on my way back today and asked for immediate help with her son who had fallen trying to get out of his wheelchair. What was I to say? I told her I would see if I could help him even though I was sweating and had not cooled down from my run. So I went inside her house and found this young man in a terrible position on the floor. He was big but I did not think much about it. I just got one side and tried to help her raise him and get him on the sofa. We did but when I stood up straight I had to say "oh oh". I noticed a slight pain in my lower back. It is now considered by me to be a moderate injury. I can still walk with some pain but doubt if I can run for several days. I think it will be nip and tuck to make it by Thanksgiving day.

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